What a Festival of Assisted Reproduction is?
The Festival of Assisted Reproduction is a unique event in the Balkans that focuses exclusively on the problems of conception and infertility. Following the example of similar events organized in some European countries, Association Chance for Parenthood organized in 2018 the First International Festival of Assisted Reproduction. We have maintained tradition ever since. The Festival is the largest event in the Balkans dealing solely and uniquely with infertility issues.
This year, Association Chance for Parenthood is organizing the Sixth Festival of Assisted Reproduction under the slogan: TOGETHER TO THE GOAL in 12th october in the Hotel Holiday Inn.

Why Festival?
Infertility brings many tears, a lot of pain, uncertainty, and suffering. The impossibility of conceiving is never easy to confront with and people have a hard time dealing with this problem. That is why we have decided to organize an event on an annual basis that will help couples feel better – giving them the possibility to be among people having similar problems, to be more educated and informed, and to make them understand that there is a possible solution to their problem. In the 21st century, infertility is not an unsolvable problem, on the contrary. Very often, having a problem with conception is perceived as a stigma in society, and that is why we want to talk openly about it, as well as to draw attention to the importance of tackling this problem in a different way. That is why the Festival. We aim to bring joy, hope, and faith to a better tomorrow. We intend to bring light into infertility darkness.
What to expect at the Festival?
- 5 INTERESTING PANEL DISCUSSIONS dealing with infertility issues with over 15 experts
- FREE CONSULTATIONS with more than 35 fertility experts from Serbia and abroad (gynecologists, endocrinologists, hematologists, urologists, and embryologists)
- EXHIBIT STANDS with experts being able to answer your questions regarding treatments, supplements, medications, tests, and analyses related to infertility treatment
- THE WALL OF HOPE is a special segment of the Festival where we will share everything – happiness, sadness, support, positive energy, personal and life stories from which we will learn how to deal with the environment ourselves.
- HANGING OUT with people who are facing similar problems as you are. Meetings with those who understand everything you’re going through. We’re waiting for you!
Where should I come and when?
The Festival will be held on 12th October 2024, from 10 am to 8 pm, in Hotel Holiday Inn, Španskih Boraca St. no. 74, in Belgrade.
How do I apply?
For a free consultation, you must register by filling out an online questionnaire in order to schedule a consultation. Due to the limited number of place of applications for discussions, it is mandatory! You can fill out all applications on the link: APPLICATIONS
We are waiting for you and we will go TOGETHER TO THE GOAL!